If you are like me and you don't like to spend time using <abbrtitle="What You See Is What You Get">WYSIWYG</abbr> tools to format your texts, you may be interested in this.
However, I'm using [thunderbird](https://www.thunderbird.net/) to handle my emails.
As you may have noticed, you can copy paste from some web page and paste it in thunderbird (which can cause invisible break in the styling).
Exploiting this, one can directly export html into the clipboard to past it in thunderbird.
in your vim `ftplugin/pandoc.vim` configuration file allows you to copy directly the output of [pandoc](https://pandoc.org/) on you opened buffer into your clipboard and thus past it directly into thunderbird.
Of course, you can customize this command line as you want. For instance my base-header-level is 4, as I think that first-level titles are a bit too much for emails.
**Note:** I'm using the [vim-pandoc](https://github.com/vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc) and the [vim-pandoc-syntax](https://github.com/vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc-syntax) plugins for vim.
Here follows a direct usecase of this: a GDPR death letter inspired from [aeris'](https://gist.github.com/aeris/675ffd5755f7570469448bb8b890f759) one.