Remove absolute position when it's not needed

Especially for translation purpose
This commit is contained in:
Fabrice Mouhartem 2019-04-24 21:31:15 +05:30
parent d8c31462dd
commit bea42a917b
6 changed files with 8 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Lang: en
Some [git]( tricks I use from time to time and that I forgot everytime…
**Disclaimer:** I'm not the perfect git user, and my way of using it is especially crude.
Recently, most of my git commits are due to [pass](/password-store.html), therefore most of those commands are here to fix my own mistakes.
Recently, most of my git commits are due to [pass](password-store.html), therefore most of those commands are here to fix my own mistakes.
Reset `master` to `origin/master`:

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@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ La plupart de ces astuces concernent mon usage quotidien de *linux*, mais pas qu
Si vous vous êtes perdus sur les internets et cherchez ma page professionnelle, elle est disponible par là ---> [*](, où vous pouvez néanmoins retrouver la liste de mes
[activités annexes]( ainsi quune liste des [logiciels libres que jutilise au jour le jour](
Si vous cherchez une version anglophone de ce blog, c'est [par là](/index.html).
Pour toutes remarques ou commentaires, nhésitez pas à me contacter par e-mail à ladresse suivante : <img style="height:2em" src="/images/mel.png" alt="courriel"/>.

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@ -15,5 +15,6 @@ I'm Fabrice Mouhartem, and I welcome you to this _blog_, which aims at relieving
Those stuffs will be mainly about my everyday use of _linux_ but not only.
If you are lost and are looking for my professional page, it's available [**here**]( where you can find a list of my [annex activities]( as well as a list of [free and open source software I everyday use](
If you are looking for a French version of this blog, you take a look over [there](fr/).
If you want to send me any questions or comments about this blog, feel free to do so at <img style="height:2em" src="/images/mel.png" alt="courriel"/>.

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@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Here are just some commands I often use.
pass generate -i <pass-name>
To regenerate a password, the `-i` is important to avoid overwritting the whole file and having to rely on [dirty git](/git-tricks.html) to withdraw your mistake (`pass <cmd>` will automatically commit your change)… I sometimes forget it, so let's put it here as a reminder.
To regenerate a password, the `-i` is important to avoid overwritting the whole file and having to rely on [dirty git](git-tricks.html) to withdraw your mistake (`pass <cmd>` will automatically commit your change)… I sometimes forget it, so let's put it here as a reminder.
pass git <whatever you want>

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Après avoir ouvert le pdf, on commence par sélectionner la publicité (<span s
Ensuite, on fixe les dimensions dans notre unité de mesure favorite, par exemple en cm (<span style="color:#0000ff">en bleu</span>), et finalement noter les dimensions du cadre de la publicité en question (<span style="color:#ff0000">en rouge</span>).
Ensuite, il nous suffit dutiliser LaTeX pour recouvrir la publicité dun voile blanc (ou nimporte quelle couleur de fond, je laisse au lecteur le soin de découvrir comment LaTeX permet dimporter nimporte quellle couleur RGB à laide du paquet [xcolor](
Jai déjà utilisé le paquet [wallpaper]( dans un [autre billet](/latex-letterhead.html), mais celui-ci souffre de quelques limitations: il ne permet pas dimporter plusieurs pages (comme sur un billet aller-retour), et tikz interagit mal avec la géométrie de la page induite par wallpaper (ne me demandez pas pourquoi).
Jai déjà utilisé le paquet [wallpaper]( dans un [autre billet](latex-letterhead.html), mais celui-ci souffre de quelques limitations: il ne permet pas dimporter plusieurs pages (comme sur un billet aller-retour), et tikz interagit mal avec la géométrie de la page induite par wallpaper (ne me demandez pas pourquoi).
Je me suis donc inspiré de cette [réponse sur stackexchange]( pour arriver à mes fins.
Pour faire simple, on utilise le package [pdfpages]( avec ses options `pages={-}` pour inclure toutes les pages, et `pagecommand` pour inclure rectangle blanc avec les bons positionnements et dimensions `X`, `Y`, `L`, `H`.

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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Indeed, it allows finding the coordinates and the dimensions of those ads as ill
**Explanations:** After opening your pdf file, start by selecting the ad (<span style="color:#8b0074">purple</span>), you may have to ungroup elements (`ctrl+shift+g`), then set the dimensions in cm or your favourite length unit (<span style="color:#0000ff">blue</span>) and finally note the dimensions of the ad (<span style="color:#ff0000">red</span>).
Then we just use LaTeX to add a white (or any background color, I let you devise it by yourself, you can use RGB codes with [xcolor]( rectangle in front of the ad.
I already used the [wallpaper]( package in [another post](/latex-letterhead.html), but it has some limitations: it doesn't allow us to import multiple pages (such as a round-trip ticket), and tikz doesn't interact well with the induced page geometry.
I already used the [wallpaper]( package in [another post](latex-letterhead.html), but it has some limitations: it doesn't allow us to import multiple pages (such as a round-trip ticket), and tikz doesn't interact well with the induced page geometry.
Thus, I used this [answer on stackexchange](
To put it short, we use the package [pdfpages]( with its options `pages={-}` to include every page, and the option `pagecommand` to include the rectangle overlay with the right dimensions `X`, `Y`, `L`, `H`.