--- title: Welcome pagetitle: fmouhart's blog: welcome! Date: 2019-04-22 Modified: 2023-12-25 author: Fabrice Mouhartem Header_Cover: images/covers/home.jpg slug: home URL: og_image: images/miniature.png save_as: index.html article_list: true Lang: en --- I'm Fabrice Mouhartem, and I welcome you to this _blog_, which aims at relieving my brain from the hard task of remembering all sorts of weird stuffs (thus, don't expect me to provide you some fresh original contents). I hope it'll help some of you as well. Those stuffs will be mainly about my everyday use of _Linux_ but not only. If you are lost and are looking for my professional page, it's available [**here**](https://fmouhart.epheme.re) where you can find a list of my [annex activities](https://fmouhart.epheme.re/pages/etc.html) as well as a list of [free and open source software I use every day](https://fmouhart.epheme.re/pages/etc.html#free-and-open-source-software). If you are looking for a French version of this blog, you take a look over [there]({filename}index-fr.md). If you want to send me any questions or comments about this blog, feel free to do so at courriel. For those interested to follow the blog, there are the following feeds: - [Atom](/feeds/all-en.atom.xml) and [Atom (fr + en)](/feeds/all.atom.xml) - [RSS](/feeds/all-en.rss.xml) and [RSS (fr+en)](/feeds/all.rss.xml)