This repository contains the sources necessary to build the blog at: # Dependencies To use this repository as intended, you need, to build the blog, the following software: - `git` - `make` - `uv` - `gettext` To synchronise the blog remotely with its intended target, the synchronisation is done using `rsync` over `ssh`. # Install To install a local copy to work on this blog, you also need other components, such as the [theme]( and [some]( [plugins]( Those are embedded in the repository as a git submodule. You can thus simply run git clone with the `--recurse-submodule` option: ```sh git clone --recurse-submodule fmouhart-blog ``` This blog relies on [pelican]( as a static site generator. To manage the different python dependencies of this project, we are using [`uv`]( as a python project manager. Moreover, translations are managed with python `gettext` which requires compiling the translation file. Those two steps are performed with the following command: ```sh make init ``` # Development When writing an article, you can run the blog with `livereload` enabled with the command: ```sh make dev ``` It’ll span a local development server on port `8000`: