# Introduction The repository for the new https://fmouhart.epheme.re/ website, not released yet. This is made with [Zola](https://getzola.org) as a static site generator. # Building ## Development To modify the website and check the modifications, simply type: ``` zola serve ``` It will run a local server on `https://localhost:1111`. ## Publication To obtain the website to publish, run: ``` zola build ``` The content of the website will be in the `public/` folder. # Todo - [x] Modify templates/nav.html to take into account the current page - [ ] Select better colors - [ ] Multi-language (fr/en) support - https://www.getzola.org/documentation/content/multilingual/ - [ ] Find a way to store and present data nicely for the research section - For instance a json file containing articles and presentations with their url and a short description. - [ ] Once the templates will be done, move it into a [Zola Theme](https://www.getzola.org/documentation/themes/overview/)