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2 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
8f04c0e04c | |||
6851e16bcf |
@ -16,9 +16,11 @@ vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufEnter", "BufWinEnter" }, {
-- email commands: my/msy to paste the html inside the clipboard
-- email commands: my/msy to paste the html inside the clipboard
vim.keymap.set('', '<LocalLeader>msy', ':w !pandoc -f markdown+emoji -t html5 -s | wl-copy --type text/html<CR><CR>',
vim.keymap.set('', '<LocalLeader>msy', ':w !pandoc -f markdown+emoji -t html5 -s | wl-copy --type text/html<CR><CR>',
{ noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "[M]arkdown to [S]ingle page [Y]ank" })
{ noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "[M]arkdown to [S]ingle page [Y]ank" })
vim.keymap.set('', '<LocalLeader>my', ':w !pandoc -f markdown+emoji --wrap=none -t html5 | wl-copy --type text/html<CR><CR>',
vim.keymap.set('', '<LocalLeader>my',
':w !pandoc -f markdown+emoji --wrap=none -t html5 | wl-copy --type text/html<CR><CR>',
{ noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "[M]arkdown to HTML [Y]ank" })
{ noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "[M]arkdown to HTML [Y]ank" })
vim.keymap.set('', '<LocalLeader>mp', '<Plug>MarkdownPreviewToggle', { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "[M]arkdown [P]review" })
vim.keymap.set('', '<LocalLeader>mp', '<Plug>MarkdownPreviewToggle',
{ noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "[M]arkdown [P]review" })
@ -83,4 +85,3 @@ vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
@ -62,5 +62,5 @@ vim.o.scrolloff = 10
vim.cmd "set formatoptions-=t"
vim.cmd "set formatoptions-=t"
-- Make some typographic chars visible
-- Make some typographic chars visible
vim.opt.listchars:append({nbsp = "·", trail = "¤", eol = '↲'})
vim.opt.listchars:append({ nbsp = "·", trail = "¤", eol = '↲' })
vim.o.list = true
vim.o.list = true
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ require('lazy').setup({
-- "gc" to comment visual regions/lines
-- "gc" to comment visual regions/lines
{ 'numToStr/Comment.nvim', opts = {} },
{ 'numToStr/Comment.nvim', opts = {} },
-- Fuzzy Finder (files, lsp, etc)
-- Fuzzy Finder (files, lsp, etc)
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ local on_attach = function(_, bufnr)
nmap('<leader>rn', vim.lsp.buf.rename, '[R]e[n]ame')
nmap('<leader>rn', vim.lsp.buf.rename, '[R]e[n]ame')
nmap('<leader>c', vim.lsp.buf.code_action, '[C]ode action') -- NOTE: to see if ca is needed
nmap('<leader>c', vim.lsp.buf.code_action, '[C]ode action') -- NOTE: to see if ca is needed
nmap('<leader>f', function() --
nmap('<leader>f', function() --
filter = function(a)
filter = function(a)
return a.isPreferred
return a.isPreferred
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
local map_list = {
local map_list = {
-- ["w|"] = ":vsplit", ["w-"] = ":split", -- w| / w- pour créer des splits verticaux et horizontaux
-- ["w|"] = ":vsplit", ["w-"] = ":split", -- w| / w- pour créer des splits verticaux et horizontaux
-- ["ge"] = ":bprevious", ["gn"] = ":bnext",
-- ["ge"] = ":bprevious", ["gn"] = ":bnext",
["W"] = ":w", ["<C-t>"] = ":tabnew",
["W"] = ":w",
["<C-t>"] = ":tabnew",
local keymap = vim.keymap.set
local keymap = vim.keymap.set
@ -47,16 +47,16 @@ vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<Leader>nef", ":Neorg export to-file ",
-- Tasks
-- Tasks
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<LocalLeader>td", "<Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-done)",
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<LocalLeader>td", "<Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-done)",
{ noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "[T]ask [D]one"})
{ noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "[T]ask [D]one" })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<LocalLeader>tu", "<Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-undone)",
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<LocalLeader>tu", "<Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-undone)",
{ noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "[T]ask [U]ndone"})
{ noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "[T]ask [U]ndone" })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<LocalLeader>tp", "<Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-pending)",
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<LocalLeader>tp", "<Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-pending)",
{ noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "[T]ask [P]ending"})
{ noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "[T]ask [P]ending" })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<LocalLeader>th", "<Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-on_hold)",
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<LocalLeader>th", "<Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-on_hold)",
{ noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "[T]ask on [H]old"})
{ noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "[T]ask on [H]old" })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<LocalLeader>tc", "<Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-cancelled)",
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<LocalLeader>tc", "<Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-cancelled)",
{ noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "[T]ask on [C]ancelled"})
{ noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "[T]ask on [C]ancelled" })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<LocalLeader>tr", "<Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-recurring)",
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<LocalLeader>tr", "<Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-recurring)",
{ noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "[T]ask on [R]ecurring"})
{ noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "[T]ask on [R]ecurring" })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<LocalLeader>ti", "<Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-important)",
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<LocalLeader>ti", "<Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-important)",
{ noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "[T]ask on [I]mportant"})
{ noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "[T]ask on [I]mportant" })
@ -81,5 +81,5 @@ vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sb', require('telescope.builtin').lsp_document_symb
-- vim telescope
-- vim telescope
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>gc', require('telescope.builtin').git_commits, { desc = '[G]it [C]ommits' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>gc', require('telescope.builtin').git_commits, { desc = '[G]it [C]ommits' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>gs', require('telescope.builtin').git_status, { desc = '[G]it [S]tatus' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>gs', require('telescope.builtin').git_status, { desc = '[G]it [S]tatus' })
vim.keymap.set({'n', 'x'}, '<leader>gB', require('telescope.builtin').git_bcommits, { desc = '[G]it [B]commits' })
vim.keymap.set({ 'n', 'x' }, '<leader>gB', require('telescope.builtin').git_bcommits, { desc = '[G]it [B]commits' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>gb', require('telescope.builtin').git_branches, { desc = '[G]it [B]ranches' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>gb', require('telescope.builtin').git_branches, { desc = '[G]it [B]ranches' })
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ vim.defer_fn(function()
require('nvim-treesitter.configs').setup {
require('nvim-treesitter.configs').setup {
-- Add languages to be installed here that you want installed for treesitter
-- Add languages to be installed here that you want installed for treesitter
ensure_installed = { 'c', 'cpp', 'go', 'lua', 'python', 'rust', 'tsx', 'javascript', 'typescript', 'vimdoc', 'vim', 'bash', 'norg', 'norg_meta', 'gdscript' },
ensure_installed = { 'c', 'cpp', 'go', 'lua', 'python', 'rust', 'tsx', 'javascript', 'typescript', 'vimdoc', 'vim', 'bash', 'norg', 'norg_meta', 'gdscript' },
ignore_install = {'latex', 'tex', 'markdown'},
ignore_install = { 'latex', 'tex', 'markdown' },
disable = {'latex', 'tex', 'markdown'},
disable = { 'latex', 'tex', 'markdown' },
-- Autoinstall languages that are not installed. Defaults to false (but you can change for yourself!)
-- Autoinstall languages that are not installed. Defaults to false (but you can change for yourself!)
auto_install = false,
auto_install = false,
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ vim.defer_fn(function()
highlight = { enable = true },
highlight = { enable = true },
indent = {
indent = {
enable = true,
enable = true,
disable = {'javascript'}
disable = { 'javascript' }
incremental_selection = {
incremental_selection = {
enable = true,
enable = true,
@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
local options = {
local options = {
plugins = {
plugins = {
marks = true, -- shows a list of your marks on ' and `
marks = true, -- shows a list of your marks on ' and `
registers = true, -- shows your registers on " in NORMAL or <C-r> in INSERT mode
registers = true, -- shows your registers on " in NORMAL or <C-r> in INSERT mode
-- the presets plugin, adds help for a bunch of default keybindings in Neovim
-- the presets plugin, adds help for a bunch of default keybindings in Neovim
-- No actual key bindings are created
-- No actual key bindings are created
spelling = {
spelling = {
enabled = true, -- enabling this will show WhichKey when pressing z= to select spelling suggestions
enabled = true, -- enabling this will show WhichKey when pressing z= to select spelling suggestions
suggestions = 20, -- how many suggestions should be shown in the list?
suggestions = 20, -- how many suggestions should be shown in the list?
presets = {
presets = {
operators = false, -- adds help for operators like d, y, ...
operators = false, -- adds help for operators like d, y, ...
motions = true, -- adds help for motions
motions = true, -- adds help for motions
text_objects = false, -- help for text objects triggered after entering an operator
text_objects = false, -- help for text objects triggered after entering an operator
windows = true, -- default bindings on <c-w>
windows = true, -- default bindings on <c-w>
nav = true, -- misc bindings to work with windows
nav = true, -- misc bindings to work with windows
z = true, -- bindings for folds, spelling and others prefixed with z
z = true, -- bindings for folds, spelling and others prefixed with z
g = true, -- bindings for prefixed with g
g = true, -- bindings for prefixed with g
-- add operators that will trigger motion and text object completion
-- add operators that will trigger motion and text object completion
@ -38,27 +38,27 @@ local options = {
popup_mappings = {
popup_mappings = {
scroll_down = "<c-d>", -- binding to scroll down inside the popup
scroll_down = "<c-d>", -- binding to scroll down inside the popup
scroll_up = "<c-u>", -- binding to scroll up inside the popup
scroll_up = "<c-u>", -- binding to scroll up inside the popup
window = {
window = {
border = "none", -- none, single, double, shadow
border = "none", -- none, single, double, shadow
position = "bottom", -- bottom, top
position = "bottom", -- bottom, top
margin = { 1, 0, 1, 0 }, -- extra window margin [top, right, bottom, left]. When between 0 and 1, will be treated as a percentage of the screen size.
margin = { 1, 0, 1, 0 }, -- extra window margin [top, right, bottom, left]. When between 0 and 1, will be treated as a percentage of the screen size.
padding = { 1, 2, 1, 2 }, -- extra window padding [top, right, bottom, left]
padding = { 1, 2, 1, 2 }, -- extra window padding [top, right, bottom, left]
winblend = 0, -- value between 0-100 0 for fully opaque and 100 for fully transparent
winblend = 0, -- value between 0-100 0 for fully opaque and 100 for fully transparent
zindex = 1000, -- positive value to position WhichKey above other floating windows.
zindex = 1000, -- positive value to position WhichKey above other floating windows.
layout = {
layout = {
height = { min = 4, max = 25 }, -- min and max height of the columns
height = { min = 4, max = 25 }, -- min and max height of the columns
width = { min = 20, max = 50 }, -- min and max width of the columns
width = { min = 20, max = 50 }, -- min and max width of the columns
spacing = 3, -- spacing between columns
spacing = 3, -- spacing between columns
align = "left", -- align columns left, center or right
align = "left", -- align columns left, center or right
ignore_missing = false, -- enable this to hide mappings for which you didn't specify a label
ignore_missing = false, -- enable this to hide mappings for which you didn't specify a label
hidden = { "<silent>", "<cmd>", "<Cmd>", "<CR>", "^:", "^ ", "^call ", "^lua " }, -- hide mapping boilerplate
hidden = { "<silent>", "<cmd>", "<Cmd>", "<CR>", "^:", "^ ", "^call ", "^lua " }, -- hide mapping boilerplate
show_help = true, -- show a help message in the command line for using WhichKey
show_help = true, -- show a help message in the command line for using WhichKey
show_keys = true, -- show the currently pressed key and its label as a message in the command line
show_keys = true, -- show the currently pressed key and its label as a message in the command line
triggers = "auto", -- automatically setup triggers
triggers = "auto", -- automatically setup triggers
-- triggers = {"<leader>"} -- or specifiy a list manually
-- triggers = {"<leader>"} -- or specifiy a list manually
-- list of triggers, where WhichKey should not wait for timeoutlen and show immediately
-- list of triggers, where WhichKey should not wait for timeoutlen and show immediately
triggers_nowait = {
triggers_nowait = {
@ -4,7 +4,12 @@ In this repository lies my Neovim configuration starting from
The provided `init.lua` file has then been split into (tentatively) semantically
The provided `init.lua` file has then been split into (tentatively) semantically
consistent files inside `lua/` and personal customizations have been applied.
consistent files inside `lua/` and personal customizations have been applied.
The process to design this configuration and some thoughts can be found [here](
The process to design this configuration and some thoughts can be found
Note that if the global principles remain true, the blog post dates from 2023,
and things may have changed a bit since then. Just use it as a reference for my
## Testing it
## Testing it
Reference in New Issue
Block a user