-- See `:help nvim-treesitter` -- Defer Treesitter setup after first render to improve startup time of 'nvim {filename}' vim.defer_fn(function() require('nvim-treesitter.configs').setup { -- Add languages to be installed here that you want installed for treesitter ensure_installed = { 'c', 'cpp', 'go', 'lua', 'python', 'rust', 'tsx', 'javascript', 'typescript', 'vimdoc', 'vim', 'bash', 'norg', 'norg_meta', 'gdscript' }, ignore_install = { 'latex', 'tex', 'markdown' }, disable = { 'latex', 'tex', 'markdown' }, -- Autoinstall languages that are not installed. Defaults to false (but you can change for yourself!) auto_install = false, -- Install parsers synchronously (only applied to `ensure_installed`) sync_install = false, highlight = { enable = true }, indent = { enable = true, disable = { 'javascript' } }, incremental_selection = { enable = true, keymaps = { init_selection = '', node_incremental = '', scope_incremental = '', node_decremental = '', }, }, textobjects = { select = { enable = true, lookahead = true, -- Automatically jump forward to textobj, similar to targets.vim keymaps = { -- You can use the capture groups defined in textobjects.scm ['aa'] = '@parameter.outer', ['ia'] = '@parameter.inner', ['af'] = '@function.outer', ['if'] = '@function.inner', ['ac'] = '@class.outer', ['ic'] = '@class.inner', }, }, move = { enable = true, set_jumps = true, -- whether to set jumps in the jumplist goto_next_start = { [']m'] = '@function.outer', [']]'] = '@class.outer', }, goto_next_end = { [']M'] = '@function.outer', [']['] = '@class.outer', }, goto_previous_start = { ['[m'] = '@function.outer', ['[['] = '@class.outer', }, goto_previous_end = { ['[M'] = '@function.outer', ['[]'] = '@class.outer', }, }, swap = { enable = true, swap_next = { ['a'] = '@parameter.inner', }, swap_previous = { ['A'] = '@parameter.inner', }, }, }, modules = {}, } end, 0)