groups of prime order $p$ and we rely on the assumed security of the \SDL and \SXDH problems defined in \cref{se:pairings}. All these definitions are recalled below.
\addcontentsline{tof}{section}{\protect\numberline{\thechapter} Briques de base}
\subsection{Quasi-Adaptive NIZK Arguments for Linear Subspaces}\label{sse:sigmasig-qa-nizk}
\addcontentsline{tof}{section}{\protect\numberline{\thechapter} Argument NIZK quasi-adaptatif pour un sous-espace linéaire}
Quasi-Adaptive NIZK (QA-NIZK) proofs \cite{JR13} are NIZK proofs where the common reference string (CRS)
may depend on the language for which proofs have to be generated.
Formal definitions are given in \cite{JR13,LPJY14,KW15}. %Appendix~\ref{QA-NIZK}.
This section recalls the QA-NIZK argument of \cite{KW15} for proving membership in the row space of a matrix.
In the description below, we assume that all
algorithms take as input the description of common public parameters $\mathsf{cp}$ consisting of asymmetric
bilinear groups $(\GG,\Gh,\GG_T,p)$ of prime order $p>2^\lambda$, where $\lambda$ is the security parameter.
In this setting the problem is to convince that $\boldsymbol v$ is a linear combination of the rows of a given
$\mathbf{M}\in\GG^{t\times n}$.
Kiltz and Wee \cite{KW15} suggested the following construction which simplifies \cite{LPJY14} and remains secure under \SXDH.
We stress that $\mathsf{cp}$ is independent of the matrix $\mathbf{M}=(\vec{M}_1\cdots\vec{M}_t)^T$.
The proof of the soundness of this QA-NIZK argument system requires the matrix $\mathbf{M}$ to be witness-samplable.
This means that the reduction has to know the discrete logarithms of the group elements of $\mathbf{M}$.
This requirement is compatible with our security proofs.
\section{A Randomizable Signature on Multi-Block Messages}\label{scal-sig}
In \cite{LPY15}, Libert \textit{et al.} described an F-unforgeable signature based on the SXDH assumption. We show that their scheme
implies an efficient ordinary digital signature which makes it possible to efficiently sign multi-block messages in $\Zp^{\ell}$ while keeping the scheme
compatible with efficient protocols. In order to keep the signature length independent of the number of blocks, we exploit the property that the underlying QA-NIZK argument \cite{KW15} has constant size, regardless of the dimensions of the considered linear subspace.
Moreover, we show that their scheme remains unforgeable under the SXDH assumption.
\item[\textsf{Keygen}$(\lambda,\ell):$] Choose bilinear groups $\mathsf{cp}=(\GG,\Gh,\GT,p)$
of prime order $p>2^{\lambda}$ with $g \sample\GG$, $\hat{g}\sample\Gh$.
The signature on $\ell$ scalars thus only consists of 4 elements in $\GG$
while the verification equation only involves a computation of 5 pairings.
The above signature scheme is existentially unforgeable under chosen-message attacks (\textsf{eu-cma}) if the SXDH assumption holds in $(\GG, \Gh, \GG_T)$.
We will proceed as in~\cite{LPY15} to prove that the scheme of
section~\ref{scal-sig} is secure under chosen-message attacks. Namely we will consider a sequence of hybrid games involving two
kinds of signatures. \vspace{-0.1 cm}
\item[Type A signatures:] These are real signatures:
\noindent We also define \textbf{Type $\mathbf{A'}$} signatures as a generalization of
Type A signatures where only condition~\eqref{eq:rel-sig-A} are imposed and no
restriction is given on $\pi$ beyond the fact that it should be a valid
homomorphic signature on vector~\eqref{eq:vector}.
\item[Type B signatures:] These use a random value $\omega' \in_R \Zp$ instead of the secret key $\omega$. We pick random $\omega', s, s_1\sample\Zp$ and
computed as in \eqref{eq:rel-sim-A} by using $\mathsf{tk}=\{\chi_i \}_{i=1}^{2\ell+4}$. Note that Type B signatures can be generated without using $\omega\in\Zp$.
We consider a sequence of games.
In Game $i$, $S_i$ denotes the event that $\adv$
produces a valid signature $\sigma^\star$ on $M^\star$ such that
$(M^\star, \sigma^\star)$ was not queried before, and by $E_i$ the event that
$\adv$ produces a Type $\mathrm{A}'$ signature.
\item[Game 0:] This is the real game. The challenger $\bdv$ produces
a key pair $(\mathsf{sk}, \mathsf{pk})$ and sends $\mathsf{pk}$ to $\adv$. Then $\adv$
makes $Q$ signature queries: $\adv$ sends messages $M_i$ to $\bdv$, and $\bdv$
answers by sending $\sigma_i =\Sign(\mathsf{sk}, M_i)$ to $\adv$. Finally $\adv$
sends a pair $(M^\star, \sigma^\star)\notin\{(M_i, \sigma_i)\}_{i=1}^Q$
and wins if $\Verify(\mathsf{pk}, \sigma^\star, M^\star)=1$.
\item[Game 1:] We change the way $\bdv$ answers signing queries.
The QA-NIZK proofs $\pi$ are then computed as simulated QA-NIZK proofs
using $\mathsf{tk}$
as in~\eqref{eq:rel-sim-A}. These QA-NIZK proofs are thus simulated
proofs for true statements, and then their distribution remains unchanged.
We have $\Pr[S_1]=\Pr[S_1\wedge E_1]+\Pr[S_1\wedge
\neg E_1]$.
Lemma~\ref{le:type-a-sig} states
that the event $S_1\wedge
\neg E_1$ happens with all but negligible probability: $\Pr[S_1 \wedge
\neg E_1] \leq\advantage{\DDH}{\Gh}(\lambda) - 1/p$. Thus our task is now
to upper-bound the probability $\Pr[S_1\wedge E_1]$.
\item[Game 2.$\boldsymbol{k~(0 \leq k \leq Q)}$:] In Game $2.k$, the
challenger returns a Type B signature for the first $k$ queries. At the
last $Q - k$ signature queries, the challenger answers a type $A$
Since $\bdv$ knows the secret key $\omega\in\Zp$, it can answer all signing queries by honestly
running the $\Sign$ algorithm, in particular, it does not need to know $\mathsf{tk}$ to do this.
When $\adv$ halts, it outputs $(M^\star, \sigma^\star)$ where $\sigma^\star$ is not a Type $\mathrm{A}'$ forgery, so that $\ssigma$ is not in the row space of $\mathbf{M}$.
Therefore, outputting $\pi^\star$ constitutes a valid proof against the soundness property of the
scheme, and thus implies an algorithm against DDH as in~\cite{KW15} since the matrix can be
If DDH holds in $\GG$, for each $k \in
\{1,\ldots, Q \}$, $\adv$ produces a type $A'$ forgery with negligibly different probabilities in \textbf{Game $\boldsymbol{2.k}$} and \textbf{Game $\boldsymbol{2.(k-1)}$}.
Let us assume there exists an index $k \in\{1, \ldots, Q\}$ and an adversary $\adv$ that outputs a
Type $\mathrm{A}'$ forgery with smaller probability in Game $2.k$ than in Game
$2.(k-1)$. We build a DDH distinguisher $\bdv$. \medskip
Algorithm $\bdv$ takes in $(g^a, g^b, \eta)\in\GG^3$, where $\eta=
g^{a(b+c)}$, and decides if $c=0$ or $c \in_R \Zp$. To do this, $\bdv$ sets $h = g^a$. It