Figure polynomial reduction

This commit is contained in:
Fabrice Mouhartem 2018-02-02 16:06:17 +01:00
parent 919237249d
commit cd8ca0cc84

fig-poly-red.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
\tikzstyle{positive}=[pattern=horizontal lines light gray]
\tikzstyle{negative}=[pattern=dots, pattern color=red!30]
% Language A
\draw[positive] (0,0) arc (0:180:1cm and 2cm) node[xshift=1cm, yshift=1cm] {$A$};
\draw[negative] (0,0) arc (0:-180:1cm and 2cm) node [xshift=1cm, yshift=-.8cm] {$\bar{A}$};
\draw (-2.2,0) -- (.2,0);
% Language B
\draw (0,0) ellipse (1cm and 2cm);
\draw (-1.2,-.4) -- (1.2,.5);
\node at (.3,1.5) {$B$};
\node at (.3,-1.5) {$\bar{B}$};
\node[ellipse, draw, positive] (fa) at (-0.1, .8) {\scriptsize $f(A)$};
\node[ellipse, draw, negative] (fbara) at (-0.1, -.8) {\scriptsize $f(\bar{A})$};
% Lines
\draw[dashed] (-1, 2) -- (fa.north);
\draw[dashed] (0, 0) -- (fa.south);
\draw[dashed] (-1, -2) -- (fbara.south);
\draw[dashed] (0, 0) -- (fbara.north);
\draw[thick, ->] (.2, 2.5) -- node[below, midway] {$f$} (1.8, 2.5);
\draw (0,2) -- (0,-2);
\draw (1,-1) rectangle (5.5, 1);
\node[anchor=north west] at (1,1) {Algorithm for $A$};
\node[draw, rectangle, anchor=west] (fbox) at (1.3,0) {$f$};
\node[draw, rectangle, anchor=west] (bbox) at (2.3,0) {Algorithm for $B$};
\draw[->, thick] (.5, 0) -- (fbox) -- (bbox) -- (6, 0);
\node[anchor=south] at (.5,0) {\texttt{input}};
\node[anchor=north] at (.5,0) {$x$};