2018-02-02 14:38:10 +01:00

106 lines
2.0 KiB

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% Customization
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\hypersetup{pdftitle={Privacy-preserving cryptography from pairings and lattices},
pdfauthor={Fabrice Mouhartem},
% numbering
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% theorems, definitions
\input macros
\title{Privacy-preserving cryptography from pairings and lattices}
\author{Fabrice Mouhartem}
% Décidaces %
À \ldots
\input abstract
\input acknowledgements
\input symbols
\input chap-introduction
\input chap-proofs
\input chap-structures
\input chap-ZK
\part{Group Signatures and Anonymous Credentials}
\input chap-sigmasig
\input chap-GS-LWE
\part{Group Encryption and Adaptive Oblivious Transfer}
\input chap-GE-LWE
\input chap-OT-LWE
\input chap-conclusion
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