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Title | Date | Author | Category | Tags | Slug | Header_Cover | Summary | Lang |
Tools for making and giving presentations | 2024-11-03 | Fabrice | Tips | presentation, vim, latex | presenting | ../images/covers/pts24-talk.jpg | Some of the tools I use for making and giving presentations. | en |
Over the past year, I have to give quite a few presentations in different contexts: internal to the company, for open-source conferences, for business conferences…
I use this opportunity to refine a bit my presentation tools, and I just summarize them here for curious people.
This page may be updated, for instance if I start using typst for slide making. If you have subscribed to this blog’s RSS feed, you will be notified of future updates.
Making Slides
For slide making, I prefer using tools that separate the content from the actual design. I’m thus not using fancy WYSIWYG tools for that. If you are not interested in that, you can already skip to the presenting slides section.
LaTeX Beamer
As explained in the typst article, I’m mostly using LaTeX to produce/typeset documents, and presentations are not an exception. For this purpose I’m using beamer.
For this purpose, my vim setup for LaTeX proved to be pretty useful, especially with the “on save compilation”. However, the backward search is not very accurate with beamer slides.
Overlays and Graphics
The main advantage, besides my familiarity with LaTeX, lays in the overlay system in beamer, that is quite powerful and provides a very precise way to display elements, especially with TikZ to design animated graphics.
For instance in the example below, I can show the top part of the graph initially, then the bottom, and change the name of the last node for the second slide. That can be easily adjusted to have more steps in the process.
\tikzstyle{node} = [draw, rectangle, fill=blue!40, minimum height=2em]
\tikzstyle{arrow} = [->, >=stealth, very thick]
\node[node] (start) {Data};
\node[node, right=1cm of start] (a1) {Enc($\cdot$)};
\node<2->[node, below=5mm of a1] (a2) {Sig($\cdot$)};
\node<1>[node, right=1cm of a1] (stop) {Encrypted Data};
\node<2->[node, right=1cm of a1] (stop) {Encrypted and Signed Data};
\draw[arrow] (start) -- (a1);
\draw<2->[arrow] (start) -- (a2);
\draw[arrow] (a1) -- (stop);
\draw<2->[arrow] (a2) -- (stop);
Resulting in:
Moreover, you have access to the whole latex ecosystem, especially those for neat illustrations such as tikzpingus.
Note: I have to say that the above technique is unsafe under fairly reasonnable assumptions. Long story short you should sign first then encrypt and not do both in parallel. Please see this paper from Crypto’01 if you want a more detailed explanation.
It is also quite easy to customise slides with beamer. For instance, with
[metropolis], from its
section 8 describe where to find specific colours. As for the fonts, if you are
using xelatex/lualatex, a simple \setmainfont
suffices to redefine it.
For instance, if I want to have the alert text in orange:
\setbeamercolor[alerted text]{fg=orange}
However, LaTeX starts to slow down quickly, especially with a lot of TikZ
drawings… On documents, it’s not really an issue as it is possible to cache the
drawings with the externalize
tikz library. However, when mixing overlays and
TikZ, it starts to need some
I never included them in my workflow as they make TikZ drawings more complicated
than they are.
Typst Touying
Pandoc and reveal.js
reveal.js is a javascript framework to produce clean and dynamic slides. My settings to generate them are liberally inspired by Pablo Coves.